Saturday, October 25, 2008

Walking down the street

I am a pariah. But I have never been a pariah in a racial sense, ever. That's a white Caucasian male who has only ever lived in Australia and England. Never ever ever ever. Never. I have always been in the majority, my team has always outnumbered the opposition, racially. In most other respects though, I am the odd one one.

I have no piercings. Needles are not my thing.
I have no tattoos. See the point above
I do not drink. Paying money to drink poison never caught on with me.
I do not party. See the above point.

I probably sound really boring but I have no issues with the body that god gave me, it has some imperfections but not enough to go sticking holes in it or drawing on it. I don't drink alcohol because I have seen for most of my childhood life the affects of alcoholism on alcoholics and on their loved ones. You really wonder if you are a loved one. Going out and drinking is under the same issue. I do not need any of these to feel good about myself and to enjoy myself. So what do I do for fun. Zap Zap computer games! Surfing the net (yes I know, you may think I'm a geek but the term your probably searching for is average boy) But mostly, the vast majority of my time is spent with my partner, we have become movie critics.

My pariahness hit a new level when an upstanding member of the Australian community (good old days lets shoot anyone of different skin colour thins is our country racial cleansing Australians) started yelling racial abuse at me. White boy in Australia. I've always felt a vague shame towards Australian history, though it is the only nation I call home and I would gladly serve it. I have perused this avenue as a career path on many occasions in the past and may do so in future, Though I will and do tell all my non white friends about our great nations history. A glorious stain across the pages of human history. But now I'm down right embarrassed. That man will never know what he has done, I have to look past my anger and pray God forgives him and me, because I'm having a hard time forgiving him.

I mean this is a rational human being, who pulled up his car at a set of traffic lights way before he needed to, just so he could yell abuse at me? Because my girlfriend is not white? I would be no more happy, possibly even more hurt had it been directed at my partner, but I have never had it aimed at myself. I am shocked and appalled. Do you know when the race riots in Sydney broke out I had people I know from overseas coming to me saying “What is going on in your country?”

I can hear people talking about Zimbabwe at the moment saying “Our country does not rig votes, beat up political dissidents etc etc.” This may be true, but your country will indiscriminately beat any non-white person to a pulp if pumped up on enough alcohol (it's a lovely thing drinking) and I can't walk down the street with my black partner with at best getting rude stares, at worst full fledged racial abuse. Next time you see someone of a different skin colour than yourself please think before you act.

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