Operation:- Romancing Ivoire: Phase one complete and a success
1st Christmas in the new place, quiet, like I would like it to be, we have taken to exploring the neighbourhood and taking many walks...it is a very quiet and despite the fact that the city is 5kms away very overgrown....I like this as I have always been somewhat of a nature girl. Anyway for dinner I made Asparagus jasmine rice with Lemon and herb chicken kebabs, much to the delight of my wonderful boyfriend, served of course on a candlelit table. The funny thing about it was that everything had to be done in secrecy, the scented red candles and vases were bought on days he was at work. In fact so were the ingredients for dinner and to top it off I got a pair of singing reindeer antlers...he's a suck for the antlers on me of course, has been since the day I wore them (2nd day we met- then I thought he was making fun of me, but he actually thinks I'm cute wearing them). Dinner was completed with a cheese platter and a cuddle on the comfy couch.
And so phase one to bring a lil romance into our life was a candlelit dinner and I am hoping this has given Ivoire some incentive and ideas as to how to top me;)
I am so excited because today's Boxing day and I just love the Boxing day sales though I must say the ones here aren't as good as the London ones. This year however it's not so much the sales themselves than what we are getting, we (meaning I) have given in and are getting a TV, albeit an el cheapo one...I can watch the cricket, I can watch the cricket...if only Ivoire would hurry up and get out of the shower so that we could go. BTW on New Year's day we will celebrate our 2nd year anniversary.....wow. I have to think of something to do for that day...
snap, I hear Ivoire looking for clothes, finally we can go get a tv!!! yay for us !!!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Got the tv, after much drama...never buy a tv without your own car people!! So happy with have it though because South Africa just beat Australia in the test series,yay!!
Losing friends....
It was not envy I felt after all, a bit relieved about that. After much thought and deliberation, I came to the conclusion that it was loss, the sadness that comes with the loss of a friend. Because from now on she's not her, it's him and her, the loss that I cannot or will not be able to share intimate discussions as before and our young friendship will not develop past this stage...a life cut short so to speak.
New Year's
Now New Year's Eve and Day holds a very special in our hearts, it is the day we had what we can classify as our 1st dates. This New Year's was special because we spent it together in our new place, dinner at the local cafe and we watched the fireworks display in Ivoire's very dark and deserted office...making it our own private viewing deck. We rung in 2009 in with a kiss.
Phase two of the romancing Ivoire has been completed...a surprise anniversary gift, a novel from his favourite author Sergei Lukyanenko. May everyone's 2009 be blessed.
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