Thursday, December 11, 2008

New place blues

(the comfy couch - never mind the mess)

I have never not gotten on with a landlord, just like I have never not gotten on with my teachers (somewhat of a teacher’s pet) so it comes as a shock to me when I feel as though our new landlords are not pleasant with us because we when we initially moved in the place was not clean and we agreed I could clean it and take it off the rent which caused a wee bit of a drama.

The telephone line is apparently connected but it’s not working and this of course is delaying the connection of the all important Internet...
It’s all so trying considering that I am suffering from homesickness, I am it seems missing the student accommodation, granted it got on my nerves staying there at times, sharing the fridge and people not putting away dishes etc etc and now Ivoire and I have own place where we can walk around in the nude (we are closet nudists) and the cost is snarky landlords...ah well.

I am focusing on the good bits like because Ivoire’s work place is within walking distance he comes home on days I am not working and I fix him lunch...homemaking and of course we get to walk around naked.

During a moment of introspection I realised the challenges Ivoire and I have had to face in the almost 2 years we have been dating (anniversary is New Year’s day), from him leaving for England for 6 months to helping pay my uni fees and I thought that we had become bogged down by everyday life that we were forgetting to nurture our love more, (we do but I think we ca do more), anyway I have decided to declare this a Summer of Love and there shall be games afoot.

He of course knows nothing of this...yet.

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