Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The new place (and the most comfy couch)

So the move has been completed just as we head into the final stretch of my uni trimester, yay!! Well it should be ‘Yay, ‘but yesterday as I went back to the uni for my last lecture I passed by the old place and I felt as though something was amiss, I was not going to be spending the night there...the 1st place I called home ever since I moved t Australia. I think I now understand why so many people do not leave or 50% of those who do come back. It’s not because the rent’s dirt cheap and you have no bills, it’s because it’s a security blanket especially after 2.5 years of living there, and there are always people around you.
I like the place we are in (apart from the landlords which would be the 1st time I have never gotten on with my landlord), Ivoire comes home early and we have heaps of privacy and lots of fridge space but I still miss the familiarity of my old place and my shower.

Buying furniture has put a dent in our savings though we would have to do it now or when we bought a place...either way we were going to spend that money but that doesn’t mean I am happy about it. I am consoling myself with the knowledge that we have the comfiest couch in the world!! Seriously this couch is so comfy that when you sit down you won’t ever want to get up, Ivoire has almost been late for work this whole week.

We have air cons in the bedrooms for the summer; Yay:) There is a possibility of getting a huge electricity bill, nay:(. I am in love with the kitchen hopefully I will get time during the holidays to make aphrodisiac desserts (after all the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and I am the Queen Bee of Desserts)...we have an eye level oven and microwave and a glass cooktop (I could go on).

I have been annoying, dropping rather *ahem* loud hints that I want to be romanced so I figure I am going to start the ball rolling by romancing Ivoire, any suggestions?

Important Note:
We still don’t have the internet connected so the posts are either done at work so they'll far between till we have internet.

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