Monday, November 17, 2008

Of birthday traditions

Ivoire and I have developed a tradition for birthdays, we try and outdo each other in 2 categories...ingenuity and deception. The ingenuity of the gift, it has to require a lot of creative input and the recipient should have no idea as to what they are going to get. Deception, well this is the fun part, buying and hiding the gift and then giving the recipient some clues and some red herrings to chuck em of course.

For his birthday I ordered a cd from Japan or America...completely ingenious as when he heard the word import he thought I had got him a model from Games Workshop, of course it was even funnier when I told him I had visited Games Workshop looking for his friend who’s a manager there (I actually just wanted him to sign the card for Ivoire). So I got top marks for ingenuity, deception; well I did so so compared to his elaborate scheme of fooling me that he was going to work because I had posed the question of when he was going to buy this gift when he spent all his time at work or with me. This year it seems Ivoire is tops when it comes to deception.

But the highlight was how I coaxed Ivoire into revealing what my present was. It was on Saturday morning and someone had spent the whole night on the computer and was very sleepy (tee hee hee makes for easy targets) I employed my feminine wiles, sensuously stroked Ivoire’s head and whispered in his ear “darling, where’s the present?” To which he replied sleepily “you can’t take the body board,” and woke up with a start. That’s when I knew what my birthday present was, a full week before my birthday. All’s fair in love and (war) birthday traditions.

I am already at the drawing board, planning his next birthday...never too early. This year there won’t be Christmas pressies (damn the credit crunch) there’s that and the move. Yes we have made the kill, and found a place of our own, but I hadn’t counted on how expensive it would actually be to move and so there goes my 1st Christmas tree and all the pressies. Don’t really care though, so long as Ivoire and I are together. Completely love my body board, darling. Thank you.

I just wish the CD would get here, its been like 2 months already...the price of ingenuity.

To everyone wondering what my status was on about – Ivoire and I are moving in together, the 1st step of many commitments.

Being together and staying together
*side note*
Every relationship goes through the wringer, but it seems as if sometimes everyone else around us are handed life on a silver platter and we have to work for it. I am not complaining, I find it challenging and frustrating sometimes.
I suppose this is supposed to strengthen us in the end, I guess I just wish that we could all have one moment in which we have no worries. I wonder if that would be a bad thing or too much to ask for. I wonder how those silver- spoons- in- mouth people feel like living their lives, whether they have a moment’s peace or are like us looking for one too.
Struggle No More – Anthony Hamilton

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