Saturday, November 1, 2008


My girlfriend gets all the attention in our relationship. Every day I come home and she regals me with stories of almost causing car crashes because people where staring at her, not always males, and how people where hitting on her all day. While I was overseas the postman hit on her. The post man. In the time that I started this in the morning to the time I finished and published it in the evening, my girlfriend was walking down the street with her cousin and she got honked at. See what I mean?

I sometimes feel a little overlooked. I am not a bad looking guy as far as I can tell, and my partner assures me of this everyday, but I don't get so much as a second look from anyone. Never have. The only girl I have ever had any real relationship with is my current partner, no one has ever been seriously interested in me before her. I see white girls look at us, and while they aren't looking at me they seem to disaprove, I think to myself no white girl ever wanted me. And it is not that I'm settling for what I have, I never met an African properly before going to university (says something about Australia), but I would not settle for anything less than I have now. I wouldn't settle for anything else in fact, but it is true. If you white girls do no approve of a white dude dating a black girl it's your own fault because none of you wanted me.

I'm not sure why this is. My partner says it is because I act distant. I don't know how true this is, but she says it it's what turns people away. I thought girls went for mysterious? Now and then my partner will claw my hand in rage because she thinks a girl is looking at me, and my hand happens to be something to take that rage out on so she thinks, but I never see it, and when I'm travelling by myself as I often do to work no one seems to pay me any attention. The best comment a female beside my partner has ever paid be to do with my looks was “you have nice eyes”, which really doesn't say much about me.

My partner is very beautiful, and she has a very beautiful body to match. I'm sure people ask themselves why she chose me, and to that all I can say is I guess I am lucky. She noticed something in me but no one else seemed to. I've never had anyone ask me for my number, say they want to see me again, say they think I looked good etc, excluding my partner. I don't need anything but her approval, but sometimes I do miss the attention she receives. If the reader feels like this, this is for you. You are not the only one, but as long as there is one person who sees you for what you are then that's all you need, though you might want more. One does not seem like much but it is all that's required.

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